PLEASE JOIN US for our Autumn Show on the morning of September 30th 2023. It will be at the usual venue, Darley Dale Methodist Church Hall. DE4 2FT
This is our first show for years. let’s make it a great success!
Members (and their families, i.e., children, grandchildren) will need to bring their schedule sheet to enter. You can download / print this using the button below, or pick it up at the September meeting, or indeed fill in one at the door.)
All entries of produce with a form should be brought on the morning of the show between 9-9.30 The charge will be £1per person. Each person can enter up to 5 categories. Each entry will have a raffle ticket attached and the ticket number written on to their schedule sheet.
Judging will take place between 9.30-10.30. The show will then be open to the public to browse and purchase refreshments and CAKE.
The 12 categories will be:
- 5 equal sized tomatoes of a named variety
- 3 matching potatoes, named variety
- 5 green beans, named variety
- Biggest marrow
- Funniest miss-shaped vegetable
- Vase of mixed garden flowers
- Vase of 5 dahlia stems
- A house plant
- Make a small insect/bee house
- Vase of wild or cultivated flowers that they have grown
- 12oz pot of strawberry jam to prescribed recipe
- 12oz pot of blackcurrant jam to prescribed recipe.
Are you entering the Autumn Show?
- £1 To enter
- Payment on arrival.
- Tickets will be given on arrival.
- Please bring this schedule on show day from 9.00 To 9.30.
- Judging takes place 9.30 To 10.30.
- Viewing/coffee after judging.
Download this form to see the list of categories and register your entries for the autumn show.